
Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Brave Move; The Change Of Blog

It was a daring move to change my blog site. It took me quite a while and with a few advices from friends and love ones to change my blog url. But I would not want to delete my previous blog site. I still want to see me in the past. I still want to see how I've grown.

I mean with a blogsite name like Icyboy? It's too, -erm-, childish. I still don't get it why I named the blog url Icyboy. It's absurd! Totally. Now, this will be my new home, new blogsite; Issacritz.

Note it's I-S-S-A-C and not I-S-A-A-C.

Imagine when you're walking on the streets and people calling out, "Icyboy! Icyboy!" My god, it will be a total embarrassment. I will be like looking for the nearest soft ground to shove my head into. Icyboy85 is my ever first blog and it is my foundation.

Now, I have to inform tons and tons of people of my new site.

Alright, now, let's picture this. Imagine me walking on the streets and people calling out, "Issac Ritz! Issac Ritz!"

More glamourous right? More nicer right? It's like having multiple orgasm. "Ah! Ah!"

"Hey, that's Issac! Let's buy him a Gucci bag."

"Hey, that's Issac! I want him to suck my beautiful breast..."

"Hey Issac, autograph please!"

"Hey, that's Issac, let's throw rotten eggs at him!"

It's better than people calling me Icyboy.

Let's play pretence. Let's visit the places that we have never been to before Let's go to the extreme. Let me show you how; Issacritz.blogspot.


  1. Anonymous28.1.07

    Why change blog?

  2. Because I've noticed it's too messy at icyboy and I write gibberish there. As in, I write unneccesarily. Like, when I don't have anything to write, then I try to think of something less meaningful and post it. That's plain stupid.

  3. Anonymous28.1.07

    Yeah yeah.. nice blog !

  4. wats with the swimming photos?

  5. oh my god, hakim! How did u get here?!
