
Friday, May 4, 2007

Becareful When You're Digging Your Ears

This is something true and you must believe me for every word I said.

I have a friend and her name is Maria. She's very unhygenic; likes to chew her nails, burp, and sometimes doesn't bath for a day. Maybe she needs to be enlightened.

And so she did; one day something bad happen to her.

Her ears felt itchy and so she went to her room, opened one of her drawers and took out the cotton buds that were kept in that dusty, dirty drawer for ages. She stuck the cotton bud into her ears and started digging the shits.

Minutes later, she tossed the cotton buds into the dustbin and went to her bed to sleep.

Seems pretty normal to you?

Weeks later, she wanted to dig her ears again but there weren't any cotton buds left so she used her hands instead.

Suddenly, she scooped out something yellow sticky stuffs from her ears and she was having constant headaches since then.

She went to the doctor and was asked to go for a X-Ray.

She was shocked when she discovered that there were dead baby cockroaches in her ears.

Get it, people?

There were eggs on the cotton buds. She should have checked. So when you want to use the cotton bud, make sure it's clean!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4.5.07

    Ewww, okay i will be cautious`
