He likes to pose, even when I'm setting up the tent. Very irritating leh! (Just joking). If I were to pose next to him, he will make me feel really low about myself. Standing beside him, (fyi, he's 1.80) makes me feel short.

This, though not his best photo, he manage to outshine me.
You know what the above photo is indicating to you?
Yahn, "I already open my leg wide wide, SUCK MY DICK!"
I was about to raise my hands and do the peace sign but Yahn abruptly squealed, "You do that peace sign of yours, I'm going to beat you to death!"
I decided not to.
Yahn, "Ah, tent is set up. What a relieve."
"Oi, you even never lift a finger to help, still want to whine so much!" I said.
putting words into my mouth is totally impolite of you lor. I didn't said those things lor. please remove them.