
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Go Green

Today, in the afernoon, my blog went green. support and wants to save earth.

You can save by turning off incandescent lights when you leave the room. If you use fluorescent lighting, however, turn them off only if you'll be gone longer than 15 minutes. Fluorescent lights use as much energy in starting as they use during 15 minutes of operation, so it's not worthwhile to turn them off for brief periods.

Normally, day or night, I would just turn on my light. But now, I don't turn on my lights even it's at night.

I've learned how to recycle papers instead of throwing them away.

This blog support and wants to save earth.

Go Green!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8.7.07

    You support earth, we support you , hehe!
