
Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Thinsperation; It's The Clothes That Makes Me Skinny

Due to our society's preoccupation with thinness, Americans spend millions every year on dieting programs. The whole issue of weight control takes on a note of desperation for many people. If dieting doesn't do the trick, some of us will even resort to surgical procedures in order to boost our body-image.

Those who become most desperate may develop dangerous eating disorders as a result of "thinking thin". Eating disorders are really self-esteem illnesses. They surface in individuals who are desperate to take control over what is happening in their lives. Society, personality, and biology all play a role in the development of eating disorders.

You see, I'm not thin. It's the tee shirt, the hugging tee shirt that makes me look so thin. Reality, I'm fat!

The media hypes a Barbie and Ken doll ideal of beauty. Women, in particular, are bombarded with messages that success and happiness depend on being thin. From an early age, girls equate being popular in school with being thin and pretty.
This message unfortunately gets reinforced at home, as many girls grow up watching diet-obsessed mothers freak out over a weight gain of five pounds. Being overweight has negative connotations: "lazy", "out of control", "sloppy", unlovable," and "geek".

My face's fat.

Evil twin, "Aiyah, everything about you is fat la! Admit it, you're fat! Your face is so round like the moon."

If I'm fat, you're fatter because you're my evil twin, you arse!

Now you make me so gloomy! Anyway, I wore two different Quicksilver tee shirts in the first photo and the above photo.

Evil twin, "It's only the 3rd of January but I've already seen you in like 5 different sets of clothings! You think this is fashion parade ah?"

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