
Monday, January 29, 2007

The Arrival of My Geeky Twin

It only seems like yesterday that I last saw my geeky twin, Corsola Ritz. He was abroad for 4 years studying medicine and now he's back. He's having his school holidays. Good for him, bad for me. I can't afford to be seen with my geeky twin.

He's such a loser. He's not even street-smart. Darn, my freedom.

Look at the way he dresses up; outrageous! Fashion disaster. A mockery to the fashion world. I have to keep a distance from him. We look alike but our fashion styles are totally different.

Corsola, clapping his hands with enthusiasm (he looks like a retard when he does that everytime), asked, "Where are we going?"

"I'm going to leave you at some place for you to rot..."

"Where are we at now?"

With his bloody disgusting high degree glasses, he stared hard at the map to take a closer look where we were at.

He pouted his lips, "Ooo, this is tedious. Look at all the weird names. Jalan Bukit Merah. Jalan Papang. What weird names."

"Right, let me bring you to some nice places, probably the less crowded places," I said.

Corsola adjusted his glasses and looked around for anything that might just interest him. Well, the only thing that interest him are books, books and more books. Girls? Neh.

"Stop right there! Before you go anywhere, buy a ticket. Without a ticket, you can't travel," I shouted.

Corsola took out a 50 dollar note and was ever ready to slot the note into the machine.

"You imbecile! That's for NETS or Giro transactions! I thought you were educated enough to know where to slot that damn 50 dollar note!"

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