
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thick Skin

In any sales game you have to develop thick skin. It is a necessary skill for those who want to weather the storms and achieve success. But there is another side that those who are masters of their craft have developed.

Yes, you do need to develop thick skin, but you need to couple it with a soft heart. We need to care about others and engage. This is, more than anything, a relationship business.

Far too many wounded salespeople develop the reverse, soft skin and a hard heart. They are distrustful critics that take everything personally. They tend to complain and criticize. They are life-suckers versus life-givers and everyone around them knows it.

Today, choose to develop the balance of thick skin and a soft heart. Choose to master it - and you will never have to look for business again.

But here, I am not going to talk about work or business. I want to talk about friends. I feel like I am too soft-hearted. I have this instant to message this particular someone but this particular someone isn't that keen already to talk to me.

I just don't know what happened. It's like yesterday this particular someone is a sweet person the next day this particular someone could change 360 degrees.

I have to be more thick skin. I shouldn't message. It just give this particular someone the upperhand.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3.10.07

    Maybe he felt cheated.

    Like how every drama unfolds.

    He's in the middle with one party whispering stuffs in his ear, trying to dig up what the other is doing and another suddenly chopping off communications out of the blue just because middleman told the other what happened.

    Living by the rules of honesty and trust another only to find out 1 + 1 does not equal to 2, middle man do not know what the hell is going on and none willing to elaborate what the hell is going on.

    One party, after getting the information he wants vanished after all the sweet talks. =D

    Another, gave lame excuses for accusing middle man out of the blue and willingly cut off the friendship without even giving a fair judgement much less hearing.

    Middle man said this,
    "Enough liao lah. . . couple fight do not ever ever involve 3rd party. You 2 chose each other, you find your own way to your problems.
    Using *ahem* I mean utilising another party and leaving him pondering what the hell is happening is plain nasty and anal."

    So yeah, this is what MIDDLE MAN feels lah.

    Ouh yeah! Nice patch up after the whole drama of "Do not talk to me about so-and-so".
    Really made my day. =D
