And another was there too, Syafiq. He's really very artistic in drawings. Sit there and let him draw and he will draw a beautiful potrait of you.
So on that day, which I believe was 2nd september, I went there with Kent, Sun Jing, Bertinus and X.L. We had our lunch before proceeding because we were really starving.
Even without cracking the brains much to think of what food I was going to order, everyone especially Kent knew what I was going to order.
Guess, guess, guess!
If that's what you thought, then I have to point m middle finger at you. I ordered fried oyster again. I really don't understand why alot of my friends wouldn't want to eat the oyster when they ordered that particular dish.
What's the point of ordering when you don't eat the oyster?
Sun Jing told me not to eat much because we will be proceeding to a Japanese restaurant at the later part of the day.
Kent immediately, without further thoughts, asked Sun Jing to bring us there so that he could buy the berries.
It was a very well-decorated place. It was really cosy. Kent just seemed to like to put his head on Bertinus's shoulder when posing.
I like the above photo alot. I really like myself in it.
Recently, I learnt to smile more when taking photos.
Syafiq was very concentrated on what he was drawing but he was aware that he was being photographed. So he took a few precious seconds of his time just to smile at the camera. Aww, sweet!
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