Wah, Zoe Tay! Wah Fann Wong! They're my greatest idols, you may say. But have it ever occurred to you why are they so famous now? Have it ever occured to you whether their acting skills are getting better or poorer by the years?
"I don't care lah! I just like them...!"
Take a look back at the past 12 years, how many times have Zoe Tay and Fann Wong won best actress award?
One each.
Yes true, they don't make mistakes alot. They do not do many takes. And they appear on many magazines' covers and commercials.
That what makes them popular.
But do they really have what it takes to be getting the next best actress award?
Now let's not talk about them and concentrate on the two actresses who have been bagging so many awards at the star awards every year.
In 1997, Biren won her first Top 10 Most popular Female Artiste award. She went on to star in the Chinese drama Stand By Me, playing a patient and caring wife of a paraplegic, which won her the Best Actress Award at the 1998 Star Awards and a Best Actress nomination as well, but this time in the Asian Television Awards.
Other award-winning lead roles include Kelian, where she played an old-fashioned and cowardly woman who was always being abused by her mother in Beautiful Connection (2002), and Lucky, where she played a gambling addict in My Lucky Charm (2005).

She and Ivy Lee are the only actresses in MediaCorp to be crowned Best Actress three times at the in-house Star Awards.
So what say you?
A little drive here... I begin to like Huang Biren more now. Fiona's following Fann's footsteps.
ReplyDeleteHello, Yes, I agree... Fann is just another PRETTY VASE...With no acting skills. She is ah-jie bcos she is pretty!
ReplyDeleteHuang Biren is the one that can act well.
She would be winning the Best Actress award this year again for Mars VS Venus. Yay!