
Monday, August 20, 2007

Freedom / What Makes Me

Yes, I know I've been repeating this over and again. But this is it. It's clean cut. It's really over. Over. Over. Really over. And usually I mourn over my lost but somehow I didn't feel anything today.

Instead I feel so agitated, I could take a knife from my kitchen and kill someone. This is how agitated I am. Those conversations I had with my significant other just makes me wonder why are we having so much communication problems and it's from the start of our relationship.

Instead of feeling remorseful, I felt the burning hatred in me.

It's so strong, I could just pack a few punches at those I hate.

I watched the walls around me crumble. But its not like that will build them up again. So here your last change for redemption. So take it while it lasts because it will end.

I've really become a spitfire and that just ignites my evil counterparts. There's no more resistance left.

This is the time, at the age of 22, I lost control. I'm going to break all the rules I wrote for myself because those rules only existed when I am attached. Now I am not and nobody is pulling me back already.

Nobody is holding my hand, to keep me away from hell and the demons and the bad people in the world.


  1. Anonymous21.8.07

    You are going to lose alot of things in life if u start clubbing again..

  2. Anonymous21.8.07

    We love you alot as a writer and we dont want to see your life being wasted. What happen to you and your significant other, let it stop there.

    Don't ruin your life by doing all the little mistakes you did in your past.

  3. Anonymous21.8.07

    Go scream out your pain ..! But please dont kill anyone.

  4. Anonymous21.8.07

    Its just a break up. It's another any other normal break up you have before rizal, whats the big deal?

  5. Anonymous21.8.07


  6. Anonymous21.8.07

    From what he wrote in his past entries with this significant other of his, I think he really love his significant other that's why keep on patching up then break then patch back.

    For me, if break means break because the feeling wont be there already

  7. Anonymous21.8.07

    You deserve it

  8. Anonymous21.8.07

    I wanna know if you really will break your rules. We'll just see.

  9. Anonymous21.8.07

    Pain leads to being numb. Hatred is the roots to all evil. It blinds people.

  10. Anonymous21.8.07

    don't be sad sad. I support uew alwayz ok?

  11. Anonymous21.8.07

    hey buddy.. if u hate someone, you're letting the person affect you. you should just be indifferent and not let any of this nonsense affect you. just like one of your pals said, it's just a break up. pardon my french but than again, maybe you guys aren't meant for each other. so let it past. you'll find someone better.

    you know where to find me if you need someone to talk to (:

  12. Anonymous21.8.07

    There's alot of other fishes in the sea..
