
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Medics Having Fun (Reunion)

It's so different going out with them and going out with the medics from my own camp. The medics from my batch are much friendlier and funny. These people are the coolest people to hang around with.

It's been months since I last met up with them.

We went to The Village at Heerens. The turn out wasn't that bad. Most of those I were close with came.

I ordered lots of food and my stomach nearly burst!

Somehow we felt cheated because we paid so much for such small portion.

Nevertheless, it was a great outing.

I've met Wai San countless of times because I always saw him doing his duty when I reported sick at his camp.

Wah lao! Buddy! I miss my buddy, Terence! I used to be his I.V partner and he was always there for me when we were doing our medic course.

Zhaorong really resembles my godbrother, Amal.

Our stomachs were grumbling!

Waisan and Sufian. Sufian's a wacko.

Zhenghao aka Chinaman! He's having a good life! Compare him a few months ago and now, he's grown, -er-, bigger in size.

I wanted so badly to order that food because of the egg but I didn't because I was already full by then.

I organized the outing beause Hannli is leaving for the States and he wishes to see everyone before he leaves. So I thought we could have lunch at Orchard and then watch a movie. Sounds great right?

We had a blast eating at The Village.

At the end of the day, all our stomachs grew bigger.

I was the only person who ordered desserts. Love the waffles there. Only the waffles deserves a second round.

Lim Pin came late because he went to the blood bank to donate his blood. Pink is the in thing.

We went to Cineleisure and decided to watch Transformers but the time slots for the earlier tiings were all full so we decided to go somewhere else to talk cock and spend time together.

We went to Gelare.

They are all of different personality. We get along well.

My buddy, Terence, again. Love you buddy!

That's Lim Pin and his, -er-, pink bandage.
I can't remember who snapped me.
That's Douglas, the law student!
Our bonds are as tight as a virgin butt. Haha!

And here's a photo together!

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