
Thursday, October 14, 2004

Salad Freak!

I am strictly on a healthy diet NOW. Muahaha. I used to gobble up food; chicken wings, satays, sandwiches in the middle of the night and it's actually bad for health and you can grow fat easily.

During my seven months holidays, I always fry two eggs at night and cooked myself maggie mee. Day by day without noticing, my body mass increases; in simple words, I grew fatter. FATTER!

My weight gradually increased. From 58KG to 60KG to 64KG to 68KG and two months ago, it reached 70KG. Bleah! I have to stop eating all those fast food and oily foods.

I begin to eat healthy and nutrituous foods. And slowly, my weight decreases for the past two months from 70KG to 67KG to 64.5KG.

And I just checked just now; it's 64. =)

I've learn to control myself from eating all those sinful foods and not to be greedy. I'd not been taking gaseous drinks, fast food such as Mac Donalds and KFC and muttons.

So what do I eat every day?

In the morning, I would drink a glass of hot milo and in the afternoon, I eat...


Usually, I would find salad tasteless and yucky but now, I see it as a healthy and yummy food.

And in the evening I will eat...


Don't worry; there's plenty in my refrigerator. About 20 of them perhaps?

Signing Off,

Shah Rizal Isaac

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