
Saturday, October 2, 2004

Resident Evil: Apocalypse

I have been waiting for two long years for this movie to be screened in the cinemas and finally, it has arrived. I've watched the first sequel so I was not actually lost of what the flashbacks were all about in few of the scenes in the movie.

If you are an ardent fan of the show, I bet you will be so engrossed with it with all the gruesome zombies, kick-butt fightings and the beautiful Milla Jovovich who played as Alice and Jill Valentine.

And if you are passing your time and decided to watch this movie without having any clue of what's going on, you may give the 2 1/2 stars. But as for me, I will give 5 stars. Kudos to Milla Jovivich's acting skills which had tremendously improved from the first.

There were a few scenes whereby Jill had close encounters with the zombies and you will be like thinking, "SHE'S GOING TO DIE!"

*Shakes head* No! As the movie follows the storyline of the game, Jill will live through part 2 and will still be acting for part 3 of the movie! So do expect more of her in the upcoming sequel two years later!

I would say, "Do not give Resident Evil: Apocalypse a miss!"

Signing Off,

Shah Rizal Isaac

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