
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Imaginary Friends

I was quite astound to know that most of my platoonmates have imaginary friends. What frightens me the most is that their imaginary friends are always somewhere near me.

To my knowledge, an imaginary friend, the opposite of an imaginary enemy, is a made-up person, animal or character that is created in the minds of some people, especially young children, and is sometimes seen in those with autism.

Evil twin, "How old are your platoonmates?"

"18 - 21"

Evil twin, "Oh, then they must have autism lah!"

"No lah, they're perfectly normal, at least to me."

Despite an imaginary friend being unreal, they will act as if the imaginary being is physically present by talking to it, playing with it, or even attempting to feed it. Of course, to another person it will seem as though he is talking into thin air. If told that there is nothing there, the child will often retaliate in a defensive manner by stating that the so-called imaginary friend is invisible.

Oftentimes they will dismiss the imaginary friend once they find real ones or become old enough to realize that their friend is fictional.

I believe we shouldn't worry too much on them for having an imaginary friend, as it often helps someone to realize the difference between reality and fantasy, as well as give them some form of self-esteem.


Having imaginary friends at an advanced age should be looked at by a proper psychologist, as it may be a mental or drug-related problem. It has been suggested that deities, spirits, totems, demons, and similar supernatural beings are the invisible friends of adults and children alike.

Evil twin, "Are they on drugs?"


Let me quote a few examples.

Tian Ce, who is one of my platoonmates often talks to himself or probably someone non-existence.

I walked past him and saw him talking, not to me, but into thin air.

"Ka ni na, my discman spoil. Yu de am am apu."

By now you should know he do speak many languages that we do not speak or heard of.

"He he, how sia? What's for dinner later? La la pui pui oooo."

Sometimes he scares me. And he oftens do the wacky dance where he will shake his body vigorously.

Possessed? Maybe.

Crazy? Definitely a yes.

Just yesterday, another of my platoonmate, Weisiong, was talking to thin air too.

"Eh, how sia, like this can die ah walk so far..." He talks as if there was someone standing in front of him.

"Eh, are you alright? Who are you talking to? You crazy ah? I asked.

"Ya lor, I'm going crazy. You don't know meh? I have an imaginary friend." And then he was laughing to himself.

Speaking of imaginary friend, I used to have one and her name is Charla. I love her to bits.

Now, if you ever see your friend talking to, erm, thin air or by himself, do not hesitate to inform his parents and then call the Institute of Mental Health. It's advisable.

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