
Monday, July 13, 2009

Enlighten Me, Please...

Something happened between 9 and 12.

My blog statistic increased by 35% between those timings.

And when I checked with the statistic at Nuffnang, it showed something else.

48% of those who came to my site between 9 and 12 were Malaysians.

Normally, it would be 23% Malaysians and the rest Singaporeans.

Did something happened while I was away? Did anyone wrote something bad about me?

P/S: It didn't happen before so I am pondering. I am not saying I am not happy with it. Just find it weird.


  1. ahmeng13.7.09

    You should be happy that you are receiving alot of readers.

  2. Anonymous13.7.09

    sorry i dunt know. from malaysia and reader here but dunt know why sorry

  3. cindy teo13.7.09

    photos! photos photos! Why now no photos all words!!?!

  4. someone, whoever out there, tell me.. i tried searching but no clues leh..

  5. I mean it doesn't happen before so I am pondering. I am not saying I am not happy with it. Just find it weird.
