
Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Think I Have Insomnia

A good night’s sleep makes you smarter, happier, boosts your immune system and overtime can actually slow the aging process. Unfortunately, during these stressful days, a solid 7-8 hours is harder and harder to come by.

You don’t need me to tell you just how lousy and out of it you feel when you sleep badly. Besides, beauty sleep is no mere expression — everyone looks better and brighter when they’ve had a full 7-8 hours.

I have not been getting enough rest for the past few days and just today, I fell terribly sick. When I woke up, I felt nauseous. I felt like puking. I felt groggy.

It went to the extend I had to request for late coming to work. I needed that extra sleep.

And so I did.

I went to work, still feeling uneasy but I was sure I was able to work.

I was glad that my colleagues, stefanie and kelly were those understanding lots.

So here I will run down the possiblities and cure for my insomnia.

Maybe, just maybe.

Alocohol is probably the substance used most often for sleep but you see, I DON'T DRINK.

Caffeine boosts alertness, activates stress hormones, and elevates heart rate and blood pressure — none of which are very helpful when you’re trying to get shut-eye. I am most definitely more sensitive than others to caffeine’s effects, and one’s sensitivity may be hereditary.

But usually I don't take caffeine at NIGHT.

My friends advise keeping your bedroom cool, but not cold. This is because a cool room makes it easier for your core body temperature to drop, which must occur for you to fall asleep.

My friends told me that when your feet and hands are warm, the blood vessels dilate, allowing heat to escape and body temperature to fall, initiating sleep. Conversely, when hands and feet are cold, the vessels constrict, retaining heat, which may keep you awake.

But that does not happen to me. I don't instantenously fall asleep.

You see, I still have no idea why.