
Saturday, August 1, 2015

I Am Never Tired Of Watching Mean Girls

Cady: I know it may look like I was being like a bitch, but that's only because I was acting like a bitch. 

"Watch Your Back"

I was extremely surprised by how funny, smart, and overall great Mean Girls really was. I've heard from people that it was a good movie and that I should watch it, but it never was really anything that appealed to me. In retrospect, that was an extremely stupid position to take on my part. This film is actually like a splice between Easy A and Heathers, and is just as smart and good as those two films are. 

A 16 year old girl name Cady moves to America from Africa where she spent her whole life being home schooled by her researcher parents. When she enters school for the first time, she is an innocent and sweet young lady. Then the plastics get ahold of her. The plastics are a clique made up of three "mean girls" and are lead by the meanest Regina. Cady splits time for a while, being both a bitch and herself. Soon, everything else takes over and she's just a bitch.

There's nothing here that I could really complain about. The performances are there. The high school satire aspect of it is there in perfect amounts and at the exact right time. The characters and the writing is strong as well. High school movies like this can sometimes be extremely surprising in how well they exaggerate the true facts about high school and make it into an almost believable story.

If you haven't seen this film yet, give it a look. I know it looks like a dumb chick flick, but it is truly much more. No guy should have to be ashamed to say they have seen and liked Mean Girls. It's truly a movie that transcends the chick flick barrier. Girls and guys alike should be able to get a massive amount of enjoyment from watching these characters and listening to their dialogue. It's a really enjoyable film.

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