
Friday, September 18, 2009

Losing And Starting Anew

I'll just summarized what I'd lost this year so far.

Mid-year, I nearly lost my life due to kidney stone, appendix and infections near the liver and intestine areas.

Then a month and a half later, my grandma passed away due to infections near the liver and intestine areas. So I would always thought my grandma took my position instead and till now I still felt it was too soon for grandma to leave us.

Why I felt this way was becuase we suffered the same critical conditions but in the end I made it through and my grandma didn't.

I suffered it first and then my grandma. And I always thought, Was she taking my place instead?

It was very hard letting my grandma go.

A month ago, I nearly lost my lover. But my love for my lover was so so strong, I forgave my baby.

But I really thought I was going to lose my lover.

Then another bad news came knocking on my door.

Just yesterday, my best colleague, Stefanie told me she was unable to stay on the company and has to go back China by next week.

Big blow! I was dealt with a big blow.

I am going to lose a very hardworking and dedicated colleague.

Are you going to take everything precious away from me?

Please stop...

So now 2.42am, I am going to start anew.



I am going to be a better person.