
Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Management

I have stepped back abit at work because of some reasons. I love having a job in the sales line and I have always been very passionate with it because I get to see people, different kind of people with different kind of background. I love interacting with them.

I love seeing them entering the shop with a gloomy face then brightened up after I interacted with them and played with the products for them to see. Let me say it again, I love working in the sales line. And because I am an ambitious guy, I want to achieve more.

Before I started working in this job of mine, I told one of the managers that I want to climb high, let it be supervisor or manager. The first day, I impressed the managers with my gift of speech. Then I impressed the previous supervisor of mine with the highest number of sales I had within a day.

Then I impressed the merchandiser, followed by all my colleagues. Words spread and I somehow felt that I was being recognized for my work.

Now, I felt alittle disappointed because ever since the new nine people came, they took over our duties and thus they make us feel like we are doing nothing.

I, on the other hand, didn't want that to happen. I took all the tasks in my hands and delivered them promptly. But, all these - were my tasks and all the things I have done being recognized? I don't know.

I was leading, and I would love to lead but ever since they came, they lead the team leaving me to be at the sideline already. I was of course disappointed.

By bringing them to this line, do they even know that they make us, Singaporeans feel left out? By putting them here, how about the rest who have worked for months or even years and their positions are still being seniors and not supervisors, how would they feel?

Do they realized that by putting them, foreigners as in charge, in almost every outlet, make us feel incapable even though we know we can stretch beyond our limit?

I've decided to retreat for the moment and go under the radar as for no matter how much I do, I don't think they will recognize my efforts.

I know the merchandizer, and one of my colleagues from my outlet and another from another outlet will read this entry. I need to voice out how I feel. I need you to hear what I am feeling and thinking.

Don't you have to agree with me Y.N?

How would you feel if you knew you are shining and then suddenly, a foreigner took control of your shop, doing everything, leaving you powerless? How would you feel if you are being led by someone who think they have all the experienced but when they come to Singapore, they don't know about our culture, mess up our entire system and make it into their own?

How would you feel if you think they are taking away your desired position?

How would you feel?

I don't feel threatened by their presence if you all mistook my entry as me feeling threatened. No. I am feeling unappreaciated.

When I garnered tremendous wonderful sales for a day or two or three, they said nothing but when just two or three days of really bad sales and they make noise instead of giving you support like, "Hey, you can do better. You must say you can do it. I believe in you." But instead all I hear is, "Why your sales so bad ah? Must at least hit your minimum? What time already?"

See the difference?

Both are asking me to push for sales but which sounds like motivation and which sounds like pressurizing you?

Tell me.

I am still passionate about this job but at this rate, my passion is slowly dwindling.

Normally, nowadays, I don't write long entries because it is not a need. I write when I feel like blogging, I post photos if I don't feel like typing. I am inspired by myself and not others.

Thus, I am inspired to write this down because there is a need for me to be heard.

Words are powerful and if they are being used the correct way, they will create an impact on not one but many.

Now I am writing to make you feel what I feel.

What if you are no longer appreaciated? What if you think you are losing the battle?

What if?

Tell me, what if...?