
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Winson and My Birthday Drink, Bleah!

Winson broke his promise by not clubbing with me. Winson, you better get me a present for compensation.

Winson, "Ya la! Ya la! When I get my pay, I'll get you a present!"

And because of that, we decided to advance our meeting to a day earlier. Nevertheless, it was a great meet. Two years of knowing him, but I hardly meet him due to our tight schedules. It was rare that both of us were free.

And you know what?

Two years of knowing you, how come I don't know you have a tattoo at your back?

But fierce la! Haha!

We went to a stall selling drinks and noodles at Marina Square. I didn't order anything since I am on a crash diet. I'm fat. So I just watch him eat.

Looks yummy right? - $5.50.

Winson, "Your ice lemon tea. My birthday treat. I very good right?"

Wah lau eh!

Looking at him eat was pure boredom so I browsed through the receipt and found out something outrageous.

Total costs, "9.50".

If the noodles cost 5.50, then both drinks cost $4. Correct?

So one drink cost $2? What the fuck! That's daylight robbery. Somemore my friend could let the matter go. One can drink for $2, it is not worth it.

Winson sulking, "Wah lau, I already treat you drink still say all those things."

With flash. Notice how fat my face look.

Without flash and still my facec look fat. Seriously, there's certain angle that makes my face look really small.

I told Winson to swap places with me. See, told you so!

Thanks Winson for spending the time with me and treating me to that drink, haha.