
Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Price To Pay

You know and you've heard it, you want to be beautiful, you have to pay a price for it. I wore my contact lenses and apparently it hurt alot when I put them into my eyes. It stings. I don't know if I had not cleaned them properly or have the contact lenses worn out.

But one thing I know for sure I had to pay a price for trying to be beautiful. Both eyes hurt alot and tears started rolling down my cheeks.

This is different. It's not like I'm watching a sentimental porn movie or something. This is me putting on my contact lenses.

I have perfect eyesights but I am damaging them by putting foreign objects to it. When I grow older, my eye sights will deteriorate and thus I will become blind.

I don't want that to happen. Anyway, my face look fat in both photos. Oh well, we have our fat moments sometimes


  1. Anonymous3.5.07

    You not fat lah!

  2. Anonymous3.5.07

    Your face doesn't look fat. The photo makes it look fat. It always does to me.

  3. Anonymous3.5.07

    hey there, this is my 3rd time here. I'm new. I just want to say I really enjoy reading your articles. Hope you make it big one day!

  4. Anonymous3.5.07

    slap ur face ar..where got fat sia?
