
Saturday, August 7, 2004

My Critics - Unexpected Twist: The Village

Be Warned! Do not read this entry if you haven't but intend to watch The Village. What I am about to write is a summary of the movie, it's ending and the many twists the movie had installed.

Bravo! I shall rate 4/5 for the movie. However the show was alittle too draggy. The casts were fabulous espcially Sigourney Weaver as Alice Hunt and erm.. what's the name of the other actress... Oh well, I forgot. But it's the blind lady; she acted very well too.

From the beginning, I expected that there were supernatural stuffs like ghosts or mystical creatures but boy was I wrong! There were so many twists right from the start till the ending.

My friends who watched it didn't understand or were clueless of what's going on, and they asked me, "I thought got ghost or creature?"

I thought so too at the first place but as I continued watching, then I began to understand. There were no creatures at all. The elders made believe it to the village so that they wont enter the modern city lies ahead of the woods.

The elders once lived there but however, their loved ones were either raped, brutally murdered or robbed so they decided to start anew at a village and what seperates the village and the city is the woods.

They did not want the future generations to suffer the same fate as them so they warned them that there were creatures living in the woods. Suprise! Suprise!

Unbelievable. But those people who were in the same cinema as me, jeered as there were actually expecting to see the creature killing people., drinking blood but to their dismay, there wasn't any. Boohoo!

I have to cut short of the movie's summary as I know even though a few of you who are yearning to watch the show will still read this entry. So it will be no fun if i disclosed the from the start to the ending of the movie!

Go watch it. It's nice.

Signing Off,

Shah Rizal Isaac

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