
Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I was minding my own business when suddenly I heard a weird noise coming from my balcony window. I rushed to my balcony and saw something squashy, something small and brown at the window's ledge.

Ewww! Celaka! What was a half-eaten bread doing at my window ledge?

Incorrigible! Someone from the top floor must have thrown it out of their window and somehow landed onto mine.


So gross!I dare not pick it up. Maybe because I felt disgusted by it or that I speculated that what if the bread was for the hungry ghosts?

I mind my own business. I walked away from it. Several minutes later, I thought to myself that if my mum or dad discover the bread on the window's ledge the next day, they will definitely blame it on me for leaving a half-eaten bread on the window's ledge.

Half-heartedly, I proceeded to my living room and grabbed a few pieces of tissue papers and advanced to the balcony.

I was about to grab the stinking bread when I saw something bright on the counstructed garden.

I covered my mouth in shocked. Immediately, I rushed to my sister's room and grabbed the digicam and rushed back to the balcony!


It may seems blur. I tried my best. It read, "I, BABY Loves U". Aw, isn't that sweet. Of course the message was not for me.

Clearly, whoever did that took a hell lot of effort to do that. Probably a HE, who had arragned the candles to form the words and then lit them up.

I was so touched.

I keep on snapping using my digicam. But too bad, I was living on the 3rd floor. Therefore, it does not look nice in pictures. Lucky for those who stayed on the higher floors who were able to take a more better angle than me.

I zoomed in x2 but it looks even worst.

Haiyah, give up lah!

Then I saw the creator, who was actually hiding behind one of the bushes. Apparently, he was on the phone and then a few minutes later, he ran away.


The next day, my sister and my parents saw the words too. My mum concluded that it was done by the ghosts.


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