Warning! This entry has explicit words/pictures.
Four consecutive days, I have been going out, enjoying my remaining 1 month before I will be torn apart from freedom. The month; I will take the opportunity to meet my friends whom I longed to meet and those whom I have not meet for quite a while.
Four days of fun and laughters. It has been quite some times since I felt felicitous. It felt as if I was in my teenage years again. I want to relive those moments and never to let go, ever. Recently, those feelings rushed in and I felt them once again.
I feel like me again with only happy and memorable moments stored in my mind. The days... Those days... I shall never forget.
On day 1,
I met up with a few of my new friends; Eric a.k.a Imuya, William a.k.a Soon and Jimmy at Raffles City. Supposedly, we wanted to watch the 5.15pm Seven Sword show but as soon as we arrived at the cinema, the only available time was at 7pm.
I had to decline watching with them as I had another appointment which was to watch the concert at Bedok Community Center, performed by my godbrother, Amal.
However, that one hour I spent with them, we conversed alot and I got to know them alittle bit better. Then we proceeded to the arcade and had a few games. Well, I had a few games of basketball. I aimed for perfection; I wanted to score but I missed a couple of shots.
Then, they had to proceed to the theatre as it was almost time. I took my leave and suggested to meet up with them again.
On day 2,
Eric, Wenjing, Timmy and I watched Charlie and the chocolate factory. I must say it's really a nice story. However the plot was rather draggy.
Then we proceeded to Heerens whereby Wenjing had to leave to meet his parents at Meritus Mandarin and later Timmy's friend, Bob, joined us.
Later that night, when Eric and Bob left, Timmy and I went to Starbucks at Raffles City to chill out.
You know how old is Timmy? No~! Don't be ridiculous, he isn't a little kid. If you were guessing that he was probably 15 or 16, you're so wrong! His face; boyish looking. I could hardly tell that he was 20.
He wanted to promote his all time favorite show; Bewitched. He looked kind of droopy though.
Day 3,
I was traumatized to see an accident occured right in front of me. Despite all the hoo-haas, I was pretty calm indeed. I was among the many passer-bys.
Then I proceeded to meet Eric at Nanyang Polytechnic. I was late yet again. Luckily Eric was the forgiving type of person.
We headed to Great World City to watch a movie and then went to Orchard to check out the warehouse sales for CDs. One CD there could cost as cheap as 1 dollar and if you are wondering where it might be situated at, it's just opposite popular bookstore, next the the toilet.
I thought I would not be spending any more money on CDs but as soon as I saw Jewel Kilcher's Humphrey's BY THE BAY VCD, I headed to the ATM machine and draw out 20 dollars.
I must get my hands on that VCD. It's like so rare and I've been finding for it all over Singapore.
Then, we advanced to Maxwell Market, next to Tanjong Pagar MRT station to wait for our other friends.
For some of you, you may have guessed where we were heading to even without me mentioning it yet.
It took me hours before I really decided to go clubbing. 20 years and finally now, I am going to know how it feels like being in a pub or whatsover. It was really nerve-wrecking for me and each passing minutes were like hell to me.
At 12, I saw the others, Alston, Gary, Yutaro, Damien, Xiao Lang, Wilson, Timmy, etc.
I entered, fearful and nervous. It was darn crowded that I could barely walk. The music was loud, the dance floor was smokey. It was not a condusive environment. I was holding onto Eric, in fear of losing my way even though the place wasn't that big.
To kick-off the night, there was a drag show.
(The photos were courtesy of whynot.com.sg)
Afterward, when the show ended, the music began to play again and people started dancing including my friends. Eric, Yutaro and Damien pulled me up on stage to dance with them.
Clearly from my previous entry, I dislike dancing alot. I take back my words. Maybe that wasn't the case. I was probably too ashame to dance as I would look extremely weird moving my body around.
I wasn't really grooving. In fact, I felt embarrassed. But Eric told me to relax and be myself and enjoy.
I started to loosen up abit and began to groove to the music. As time passed by, I was getting better.
We left at 3am and headed to the maxwell market to have our supper. I was extremely tired and wished to go home instantly. But then again, I wanted to spent more time with them.
Eric and I left at 5a.m. Upon reaching home, I bathed and took a short nap before proceeding to my mum's friend's wedding, which was at 2 in the afternoon.
On Day 4,
I could barely open my eyes. I was like the walking dead. *Snorts*
The wedding was held at Bukit Panjang Community Center.
It wasn't too crowded yet.
The food were mouth-watering and it would be a waste leaving the place without trying all the food. I chucked aside all my dieting plan.
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