
Tuesday, May 4, 2004


It was during secondary school days, I've develop interest in this kind of stuffs. My best friend, Adam and I had always been interested in this kind of things. Don't call us silly. :)

Anyway it was seondary two; it all started with Jewel Riders, fascinating aight`? Adam and I started collecting gems. Back then we were amatuers, we were still lacking of knowledge of this kind of things. Well, I've got the Moon gem, the ameythst, and a whole lot more - too many to name them all. I bought it from a Magick shop at Holland Drive; have to take only this one bus to get there but I forgot the bus number. Yes believe it or not there is a magick shop in Singapore. :) And then I told Adam and Jaka and Janet about that shop. One fine day we went there, to buy more gems and to socialise with the owner. The lady really mesmerised us. There was something special about her, special auras surrounded her. She explained to us what each gems does and what witchcraft really means. We were really enlightened. I, then, had a better understanding. It really fascinates me. I remembered what the lady told me, "Once you reach home, place the gems in salt water. And then couples of minutes later, take them out and they are ready to be used."

I've used the gems for protection, and to be immune to curses. Well, it really works. As days passed by, I wanted to socialise more with people who have the same interest as me. I went to the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and came across this channel, "#Wiccan" and "#Witches". The people there were helpful but some were arrogant brats. Just because they had better understanding and knowledge, they really didn't care about us, the weaker ones, those who really wanted to learn. I came across this guy by the name of Melvin who wanted to form a coven with me but I wasn't too sure what that really was and what he meant and plus, he was a total stranger to me. Rejected his offer and continued my quest.

I began to search for witchcraft sites and came across lots of them. Unbelieveable! And then I came across some spells, e.g. the rain making spell. I didnt really believe it will work but amazingly, after reciting the spell over and over, the clouds turned dark and it began to rain. Nope not coincidence. I've tried several times and it really work. I've kept more than a hundred spells in my floppy disk for reference, yeah - till now!

I was a step ahead of Adam. I showed him what I really knew and he was taken aback! Ahah! But something unexpected happened...

Each time someone offended me, something bad would befall them. (Not really that bad.) I thought it was just pure coincidence but no. Once, I was mad with six of my classmates, Adam, Lionel, Jaka, Janet, Cailing and Heng Huat and the next thing something bad happened to them. Adam, Lionel and Jaka were ticked off by our form teacher, Mr Leong, for no apparent reasons and Cailing and Heng Huat fell sick the next day. Frigthened - Me? Yes. But I've learn how to control it.

Adam knew I had surpassed him and then that day came. His knowledge grew to greater heights. He is somesort of a psychic. Well, I think i should rephrase my sentence - He is a psychic. He is able to read people mind, he is able to control the weather, especially the wind. He was far to knowledgable, far too advanced.

Till now, alot of things had happened and I develop certain abilities - Somehow whatever I dreamt, I can alter them and bring them to reality. I can sometimes predict the future. I still cast spells :) Not that I want to brag but certain people witnessed it - Janet, Adam, Milya, Jaka!

Anyway, that's all for now. Adios!

-------------------------------The End------------------------------------------

Rare Five-Planet Alignment Visible 25/03/04 04:32

Five planets are arrayed across the evening sky in a spectacular night show that won't be back for another three decades.

For the next two weeks, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — the five closest planets — should be easily visible at dusk, along with the moon.

"It's semi-unique," said Myles Standish, an astronomer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "They're all on the same side of the sun and stretched across the sky and that's what is kind of pretty."

The planetary lineup will be visible to the naked eye every night for an hour after sunset through early April. At the end of the year, the same five planets will reunite for a few weeks, but in the pre-dawn hours.

Standish said this particular planetary grouping may offer the best nighttime views until 2036.

The orbits of the five planets take them to the same side of the sun every few years or so. The conditions have to be just right for all five planets to be clearly visible at dusk or dawn; Mercury is often tough to catch. Even rarer are so-called alignments, where the planets are clustered together in the sky; this is not one of those.

Stargazers should look to the western horizon just after sunset. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn will be lined up in the sky with Jupiter close to the eastern horizon. They will span about 135 degrees. Saturn will be almost directly overhead.

-Courtesy of PIXIEPOSH-

P/S: I didn't know you are interested in witchcraft and occults. :)

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