
Monday, May 31, 2004

The Cute, The Ugly And The Calculative Ones

The Cute


I was dining at Plaza Singapura's Mac Donald where we came across a very cute child. He was so cute that I couldn't resist taking a picture of him using my Nokia 3660 camera phone.

And the least that I had expected, he was making a peace sign/ twist sign to me when I took his picture. He even showed me his tongue. Isn't he cute?!

Oh that's him. I really feel like pinching his cheeks! Haha. So adorable. I wonder how many more are there as cute as him!

I smiled to the cute child and then turned back to join in my friend's conversations. I was having my dinner too at that time. And then that cutesy pie make some funny noisest.

I turned around and saw that he was actually playing with Janet's handbag. He actually unzipped her handbag! How clever could he be! And he took out Janet's calculator. I told Janet about it and she was instead mad about it. LOL. I can understand.

And then I thought of taking another photo of him. I placed my camera phone near him, ready to click the OK button when suddenly I noticed he pointed a MIDDLE finger to me! Yes! Let me repeat - he POINTED MIDDLE FINGER TO ME! I was like... "Huh?" Shocked!

I didn't get a snapshot of it as when I've clicked the OK button, he actually gave me the same pose as the first one. How amazing could that be!

Look! Nothing's changed!

OH don't be silly. How could he have ever showed me the MIDDLE finger! Maybe when he's much older perhaps. But he did open Janet's handbag. Too bad, I didn't capture a shot of that!

The Calculative


We went to Spotlight after that. Janet and Raudah wanted to buy all the neccesary stuffs for their art and craft thing. They are to make a teddy bear out of pom pom(s). I think so.

Janet had a very tight budget and she wanted to buy the least expensive stuffs. Some of the stuffs there were really very expensive. Then I realise that it was because some of the stuffs were imported from other countries!

Look at her! She brought along not one but two calculators with her. The other calculator is hidden somewhere in her bag. I was shocked that she brought along her calculators and took them out to tabulate the total cost of the stuffs that she was going to buy.

*blush and ran away*

The Ugly

I was walking at the carpark, reaching home in two minutes time. Suddenly, I stepped on something so soft, so jelly-like. I looked down and I felt so disgusted. It wasn't a banana peel if not I would have tripped over it and fell. What I had actually stepped on was a USED CONDOM

I feel like puking! I could still see the yellow color LIQUID flowing out of the condom. Did they had sex at the open carpark! *Impossible* People would be walking to and fro! Did they had sex in the car and since they had no where to throw, they tossed it out of the window?!

Oh gosh! Really, I feel like puking. The sight of it disgust me! Please people! If you want to have sex, do it somewhere decent, somewhere cozy and don't tossed your used condom anyhow!

3 More Days To Craziness

Let's rock the world [Shah Rizal Isaac Ritz Goh Ming An]

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