
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Cat Fright

When I was in high school, being a cat lover, I got a new kitten almost every year. Well I had gotten my favorite kitten, Portia, a beautiful, sleek white kitten who was part Siamese.

I took her to my cousin's house for the weekend and she roamed around their house. The cat would try to disappear or get away and we would find her. But one time, she did not pop out from under the furniture.

I became alarmed that she was missing so I had the whole family tearing the house and neighborhood up in a frenzy. After an hour of searching, we gave up and I sat down in tears. She must have wandered off.

My face was hot from being upset, so I wanted a drink of water. I opened the fridge to get some ice and in the bottom of the fridge there was a shivering white mass. It was Portia!!

She had crawled into the fridge when someone had opened it and not seen her.

And on another occasion, I was at my friend's house, we were outside all day, it was really hot out and when we got in we was really thirsty.

She told me to go get her and me some ice cream out of the freezer. Well I was looking around and took a box out that looked like ice cream. I opened the box and to my surprise it was her dead pet kitten!

I screamed and put the box in the freezer. When I got back in the room she asked, "Where's the ice cream?" Then she said, "I forgot to tell you; My kitten died and we are going to go have it stuffed."

Things were never the same after that. I would never look in her freezer.

Signing Off,

Shah Rizal Isaac

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