
Saturday, December 4, 2004

The Big Fat Lady VS the Pitiful Old Lady Cleaner

First off, when I was at Chinatown Point with my beloved dear, Ashy, yesterday, I was pissed with a fat middle-age lady in pink quarreling with the cleaner who is an innocent frail old lady.

The cleaner's job is supposedly to collect 20 cents from toilet-users and ensuring that the toilets are clean always.

I was greeted with a warmth smile by her and she thanked me for depositing my 20 cents coins. Upon entering the gents, I smiled. The toilet was absolutely clean and nice smelling.

The cleaner has definitely done her job well. I was satisfied with her service. But soon, hell start to break loose.

While I was waiting for my dear at one corner, I saw a disgusting fat middle age lady shouting loudly to the old lady.

I was shocked. I hid behind one corner and eavesdropped.

Middle Age Lady, or should I call her bitch instead said, "One of the toilet door is broken. Aren't you going to do anything about it?"

The cleaner clearly understood what the middle age lady said and was about to respond when abruptly the middle age lady spoke again.

Middle Age Lady: Oi, excuse me. Are you even listening to what I'm talking. The toilet door is broken. Aren't you going to do anything about it.

Clearly, I saw the cleaner trying to speak but she did not had the chance to do so.

Middle Age Lady: The floor is dirty, so dirty. And you just sit here collect 20 cents coins for us. You are suppose to take the mop and clean the floor. This is too much.

And then there was silence.

I wanted to advanced to the middle age lady and slap her but I do not want to stoop to that level.

I was furious. By then, Ashy came out of the toilet and advanced to me. I told Ashy of what had happened and told Ashy to stayed for a little while longer as I wanted to know what might happen to the cleaner.

I listened.

Midde Age Lady: I am going to complain to the management about this. I am going to complain that the toilet is dirty and the door is broken and you refuse to do anything about it.

The cleaner stood up and walked around. I believed she was finding her mop but to no avail.

The middle age lady then joined her other two friends of hers at the front and told them about the incident.

Middle Age Lady: We have to pay 20 cents to use dirty, unhygienic toilet. What kind of service is that?

Her kind friend: When I visited the toilet just now, everything looked okay to me...

Her evil friend: Are you blind? The floor is dirty' its urine. And we have to pay 20 cents for using that toilet. If we do not need to pay, we do not really want to make a big fuss out of this.

Middle Age Lady: I am going to complain to the management.

I thought she was saying that in a moment of anger but I was wrong. She walked to the information counter and complained to the lady behind the counter.

I looked back at the pitiful cleaner as she grabbed the mop and entered the ladies.

I was fuming mad. I wanted to give that big fat lady a piece of my mind. I advanced to her but was stopped by my dear.

I nearly shed my tears looking at the cleaner, who might be working to support her family or to support herself.


How can you solely blamed the pitiful old lady for all that was not entirely her fault.

Blame on the person who peed anyhow on the floor. Blame the person who swung the door open too hard and broke it. Don't blame the old lady. It was not entirely her fault.

I feared the cleaner for losing her job; her only job.

I trailed the fat lady with my dear.

She was still discussing about the toilet issues. But I felt a sense of triumph from her. I could stand it no longer.

I wallked pass the lady and said loudly, "You big fat PIG!"

I felt much better. She turned and looked at me. But she was not too sure if I was talking about her. She stared at me intensely.


I decided to go back to Chinatown point the next day to see if the cleaner was there; if she still have her job.

But however, she was no where to be seen. I tried to comfort myself by telling myself that it was probably the old lady's off day or she was transferred to the floors.


Enough of them.

My friend. My bloody friend. He have not paid fo my friend's handphone bill yet. Is he trying to run away from it?

He is holding onto my friend's line and yet he refuse to pay for what he had used.

Fuck him!

Argh! I AM GOING TO BLOW UP! Trust me, you do not want to see me ANGRY!

Flying off to Australia soon.


Shah Rizal Isaac

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