
Friday, July 24, 2009

The Pot Of Gold At The End Of the Rainbow

"Where are my photos, you wretched little girl!" I say in a booming voice.

Roooooarrrr! Give me my photos, you twirpy little sister!

No, I am just joking. I just need my photos.

Meanwhile, ...

I was pondering to myself why this world are filled with people backstabbing and bitching and gossiping and worst still spreading malicious rumors on people who do not deserve those kind of treaments.

Rumors are generated through speculations and through the means of nasty people who always think they are always right and they are always oh-so-holy.

People make mistakes. And if they can rectify the mistakes, why aren't they allowed to be forgiven.

I was twittering and msn-ing the other day when one of my secondary school classmates message me. She used to be a very close friend of mine but of course the inevitable happened.

Years later, everything went back to normal.

We forgave each other. We start anew.

What a harsh reality we are living in.

I was looking at a handcuff the other day and find it rather peculiar maybe because I have not seen one in real life.

I handcuffed myself to the harsh reality.