
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Neh Neh Pok

Its so funny when little kids are still unaware of their surroundings and what they say.

The other day there was a woman walking in front of a little girl and her mum.

The little girl who I believed to be 8 or 9 years old playing with her yoyo asked her mum loudly, "Mummy, mummy... Why so big?"

And her mum replied feeling confused, "What thing is big honey?"

The little girl said, "There..." and pointed at her neh neh pok.

"How come my one don't have." she continued.

"Well, vwhen you grow older, you will have them." her mum replied.

"I want big big!"

And then she shouted, "I want big big!"

The woman looked back and stared at the little girl.