
Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Tribute to Meridith and Gretchen

I hate blogger. After writing more than a thousand word, it shuts down and fails to recover my post, thus forcing me to write all over again. I am over and done with blogger, making me suffer always. Now I realize blogger isn't that great at all.
Let's get back to the topic that I am going to write about.

For the past six seasons of the Amazing Race, the older couples always failed to even secure themselves in the top 5 or the least top 6. They were always beaten by the younger ones. It's obvious that these older couples were physically weak. But they were nice and kind-hearted people unlike those younger racers.

The latest season of the Amazing Race, featured another older couples who has to compete with younger races again. Many believed they would not even make it to top 7 but as the episodes proceed, they were very wrong.

The older couples, Meridith and Gretchen have secured their place at number 7 for three consecutive legs. However, that number still wasn't good enough for them. They need to go forward.

Finally at the fourth leg of the race, they managed to get to position number 5 which was actually good enough for them to stay in the race for one more episode. They did not want to give up. They had showed us a lot of determination.

Throughout the race, they had overcome many obstacles especially for Gretchen. She had a bad fall which lead to a bleeding head but still she refused to give up and continued racing. I saluted her.

Unfortunately, they were last place. But the good news; it was a non-elimination leg. God has given them another chance to prove themselves that they can do it. However, they had to give the host all their cash and start with the next leg with zero dollars.

This season, yet again, they had set another new rule and that is to give all their possessions except for their passports and the clothes they are wearing if they were last place in a non-elimination leg.

Tough it may seems but they managed to get enough cash to go around the next race by asking help from strangers and from their fellow teammates. Boston Rob, previously from Survivor, stated that the older couples were the biggest con in the world by asking money from the other teammates.

But it seems to be that it was strategy and it is up to them to be kind-hearted enough to spare them some cash unlike Boston Rob. Hope they will suffer retribution by saying those harsh words to regards of the old couple.

Leg after leg, they prove wrong to many people including the teammates that they will not make it to final 5 but they did. And just yesterday's episode proved that Gretchen was strong-willed, climbing a ladder all the way up to the top of the castle, struggling with every steps she took, but she made it.

I was proud of her. To reward for her perseverance, they got the the 2nd position in the leg of the race. Happy and glad they were.

Sincerely, I hope they could be the winner for this season but I hardly doubt so. But I am happy enough to know that they had made it that far.

Signing Off,
Shah Rizal Isaac

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