
Sunday, January 9, 2005

The Evil Man, The Cook And I

I was extremely pissed with a middle-age man who snatched my seat at the hawker center earlier yesterday. It was clear enough to everyone that I stood next to the table, indicating that place was mine.

He walked pass me and abruptly sat on my seat. Furious I was that very moment. Of all the available seats there, he decided to sit on mine. I gave him a cold hard stare which he dismissed later on with a smirk on his face.

I was tempted to scold that middle-age man but I did not want to make a big fuss out of it. I can simply find another seat since there were aplenty. But I perfectly did not understand why the man took my seat instead of all those empty ones around him

I could not take it lying down. I proceed to the table next to his and informed my other half about the situation that was ongoing. I did not look away from him.

He stood up and went to the stall nearest to his table and ordered food. Ah! Now I understand. He's lazy to travel a long distance from the food stall that he was ordering from. That was his motive for that the seat away from me.

Unhappy I was that I decided to hatch an evil plan!

Coincidentally, my other half and I were also ordering food from the same food stall as his. While my other half went to buy drinks from the stall behind the food stall, it was the perfect time to hatch my plan.

While ordering my food from the cook, I whispered a few words to him. Curious onlookers stared at me but I dsmissed them with a huge fart. Poot!

The unbearable smell has entered their puny nostrils and they died from the poisonous gas. I laughed so loud and was couping my stomach which indicated that it was about to burst anytime soon.

The cook who was clueless decided to return to his small kitchen. Seconds later, his eyes turned watery and soon, the entire stall was flooded with water.

I told him to shut up and follow my instructions. I sat back to my seat seconds before my other half came back with the drinks.

I smiled.

Minutes later, the cook delivered our food. I looked at the man who stole my seat earlier on. I could see an angry expression portrayed on his face.

I laughed hysterically! My ingenuous plan worked. If you are wanting to know what my plan was, go figure it out yourself!

Signing Off,

Shah Rizal Isaac

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