
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Self-Titled; Shah Rizal Isaac Ritz

I am a Geminian. Gemini is a sign of endless curiosity driven by an instinct to explore. But they are characterised by 'breadth' not 'depth', so their explorations often lack focus and deep penetration. They are better suited to absorbing 'just enough' of a wide variety of topics, which adds to their reputation as fine conversationalists.

I am not usually extreme in my views and are always willing to swap and trade their ideas with others, or change their perspective to suit their company. But I have a strong respect for intellectual independence and need to feel a mental rapport to be fully relaxed with others.

My easy ability to enjoy a broad variety of friends from different interests and inclinations has given Gemini a reputation as an easy and sociable sign, tending towards friendliness and optimism. Geminians are more likely to draw a wide circle of friends and associates than just a few close and intimate contacts and for this reason they have excellent networking talents that allow them to exceed in professional areas on the basis of who they know as much as what they know.

They are well suited to any career that requires easy negotiation skills or the ability to express knowledge to others in flexible language that can be easily digested - journalism and teaching being particularly notable - or in professions that call for physical dexterity, light movement, and quick-thinking. The 'alternating' elements of Gemini remind us that this is the sign of trade, barter, exchange and swapping resources.

Combined with the instinct for deft actions and quick decision making, Geminis make ideal entrepreneurs, renowned for their ability to manage several projects simultaneously. The sign features strongly in the charts of those who are light on their feet or slight of hand, being traditionally associated with athletes and gymnasts, magicians, conjurers, tricksters, conmen and and pickpockets!

As lovers, I as a Geminian is fun, lively, flirtatious and recognised by my youthful appearance or 'spirit of youth'. But they lack emotional intensity and are uncomfortable with deep emotional ties, particularly if they feel restricted in their freedom to chat and flirt with others.

I am often capable of falling in love with two or more lovers simultaneously and are naturally curious to explore the sexual sides to their relationships. Hence a Gemini lover can be the source of endless frustration to a more committed and emotionally intense partner.

Geminians are often accused of being trivial, superficial and fickle. Of course, they can be all of these, but a propensity to inconsistency and changeability also offers facets of a virtue when recognized as the ability to remain responsive to one's surroundings and deal with contradictory demands simultaneously.

The mark of this sign is mental agility and 'bridge building'. In order to be understanding and responsive to all, they may at times appear to be 'two faced' or to lack in genuine sincerity. This is the price that must be paid by a disposition that moves with its environment.

More than anything else Geminians are regarded as quick thinkers, the best of whom don't just 'act first - think later', but have mastered the pull of the extremes of thinking and feeling, and as a result combine their intellect and intuition with lightning speed, allowing them to think on their feet and deliver an instant, appropriate response.

I have an evil twin. And trust me, he's really evil and revengful. Don't get into his bad books or you'll suffer. I may be all nice and sweet and kind to people but once I am totally flabbergasted, you would not want to see the dark side of me, my evil twin.

It's suicidal.

It's funny how I resemble these famous celebrities especially Jude Law, Brandy and Jet Li. How interesting! Then, I used a different photo of mine and the results turned out to be completely different from the first.

Sometimes, it's inevitable to resemble more female celebrities than guys. But to resemble like Koda Kumi, that's so wrong. How can I resemble like a slut like her. Pardon me for being rude but I don't really fancy her or her music. She's just not my cup of tea. At least, I resemble Leslie.

And for me to resemble Fann Wong is like having multiple orgasm or should I say I felt like like an Ah Jie already! I love Kate Hudson, especially when she acted in The Skeleton Key. She acts more in comedies rather than those scary shitty movies. But she was really underrated in the movie, You, Me and Dupree. What a waste.

But nowadays, people are trying to have a look alike faces of certain other people.

As you can imagine, the more people in a given place try to look alike, the greater a problem this presents for face blind people. We need for people to look as different as possible, if we are to tell them apart.

Of course, it could turn out that people would look alike by chance, but this occurrence would be quite rare, and at that frequency of occurrence it would seldom be a problem. Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs in society at a rate far beyond chance, because, in their own efforts to "belong", people make an effort to look so similar that to a face blind person they look alike.

Sad but true.

That reminds me I decided to sever all ties with my my ex like 9 months ago . The last contact or time I see her I had to block her from MSN. It was the best choice I have made.

Her last words were "Go to Hell and I'll never talk to you ever again."

What ruined our friendship was her choosing to sleep with my friend in front of me. The sounds and noises overplay in my head all the time to me. We were ex boyfriend and girlfriend and dated other people. However, I told her that I still loved her and it would be really hurtful. She decided to sleep with him and I left my friends house in steady flowing of tears.

Afterwards, I felt betrayed, disrespected, unloved and felt fearful of her hurting me again. I mean she was callous, insensitive and unthougtful of me being there.

Well, I decided to forgive her after she promised that she was truly sorry and she wouldn't do it again. She said that she is an impulsive person and doesn't think things thorough.

She said she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our friendship. We had four talks and she reassured me it wouldn't happen.. May 10 our one year anniversary of us getting to know each other I got her a clear glass picture frame with the words "Best friends forever" later that day.

I had to go to work since I work 3rd shift and my friend who slept with her the 1st time and my ex were at my apartment to chill. Well, the next day my male friend told me that she tried to sleep with him and refused. she lied to me about it when I confronted her but eventually she confessed that she tried.

I felt so hurt, betrayed, disrespected, confused, sad and downright depressed. We fought, argued and tore each other apart emotionally.

Is it right for an ex to sleep with my friend, co-worker or one of my family members if we were not committed? Isn't it about respect. I would never do that to her knowing that she still loved me and had feelings for me.

1. Is it wrong to sleep with an ex's friend, co worker or family member knowing that your ex still have feelings and still loves you under my circumstances?

2. Would you forgive like me and contact her knowing she said "Go to Hell & I'll never talk to you ever again"?

Does she even deserve a 2nd chance?

3. Why was I more happy at the same time deeply missing her?

Why am I even writing all this?

A few of my EXs's don't even deserved to be in my site or should I be writing about them.

Be friends with me and you'll be in a world of topsy-turvy with me. (Just kidding.) Seriously, I don't like people who stick with me and become my friends just because I'm rich or a spoilt-brat with alot of friends. And they start leeching from me.

If I notice that from you, then you'll start noticing I will slowly leave you out from all the outings I'm going to and inevitably, you'll be striked out from my life.

Viscious? - Nah.

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