
Monday, June 14, 2004

Monday Blue: Something To Brighten Up Your Day

What would you do if...

it rained outside: I'll be masturbating in my room, probably watching pornography.

it's too hot outside: I'll on my Air-Con in my room and masturbate.

you lost your money: I'll start selling away all my Blue VCDs.

you lost your phone: I'll take my friends' phones and throw them to the wall.

your favorite nba team won: I'll watch Pamela Anderson's sex video and masturbate.

your favorite nba team lost: I'll watch Pamela Anderson's sex video and masturbate. Oh, its the same answer as the previous question...

the star circle questor you hate the most is in: I'll start walking around naked.

the star circle questor you hate the most is out: I'll still walked around naked and probably danced macerena.

you got lost: I'll start laughing hysterically and... masturbate.

you got hurt: I'll masturbate to ease the pain.

your friend told you to jump off a cliff: I'll asked him to look up and pushed him off the cliff unnoticed.

your crush died: I will find another.

fell of a cliff: I'll try to smile before I hit the ground so that I will look good in the papers.

won the lottery: I'll buy more BLUE VCDs.

got in a fight: I'll try my best to run away.

lost my hands: I'll ask someone else to masturbate for me.

lost my feet: I havent lose my hands to masturbate.

found a 1000 bill: It's hell note right?! You can't trick me!

found out that you were gay: I'll find myself a handsome tanned lean guy and have sex with him always.



Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it.

Impossible is not a fact, its an opinion. Impossible is nova declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential, it is temporary, it is nothing!

Do not believe that it is impossible to do things that's not beyond your reach. If you try, if you believe, you will find it possible, you will be able to achieve your goal.

Impossible should not be in my dictionary, not yours, not ours!

Signing Off,

Shah Rizal Isaac

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