
Saturday, June 12, 2004

The Blind Woman

This happened a few days back. I was from Bukit Batok, helping my friend Adam, moving his furnitures to his new house. It's really energy-draining. Okay anyway... I was meeting up with my other two friends, intending to go to Bugis.

We boarded the train from Bukit Batok to Juroung East station and afterward we have to baord East-West line. While in the train to Jurong East station, I saw this blind lady who was seated two seats away from me. I was wondering how did she managed to get into the train since she was blind.

And I knew that there were kind-hearted people who helped her with the way. So when we reached the station I thought that would be the end that I would see the blind woman but when I was taking the East-West line, there she was again with another lady.

The lady had helped the blind woman boarded the East-West train since she was also alighting at one of the stations there. The blind woman was seated next to the door while the lady stood in front of me. As for me, I was standing just next to the lady.


I eavesdropped.

'Ma`am, I have to alight at Tiong Bahru, so I can't help you further. You are alighting at Outram Park right?' the lady said.

'Ya..' nodded the blind lady.

'Can you manage by yourself?' asked the lady.

Unfortunately, the blind lady was hard of hearing too. =(

I eavesdropped further. And then... OH NO! the lady looked up and saw me eavesdropping at them. The lady looked at me so intensely...but wait.

'Redhill' ...

We were only a station away from Tiong Bahru. The lady, however, was signalling to me. She looked at me and then to the blind lady and then to me again. She was hinting something.

And I understood. I perfectly understood what I should do.

'Tiong Bahru' ...

The lady looked at me one more time before she left and then the door closed. The train started to move, to approach to the next destination, 'Outram Park'.

My friends were sitted.......on the floor while I was standing. I moved closer to the blind lady, standing next to her. Should I help her, I thought. Wait...Of course I should help her, what was I thinking! But...

What if she shout MOLEST if I were to hold her hand? Look she's a lady and I'm a guy. She can't see... So what happen if I grabbed her by her arm and suddenly, she shout molest. =)

I had 3 choices. 1. She help herself. 2. I help her. 3. I ask my gal friend to help her. I thought that the 3rd choice was really good and appropriate but my gal friend was sitted on the floor while I was standing and there was too much noise in the train. Time's running out.

I looked at the blind lady and then looked at my gal friend and then looked at the blind lady and then looked back at my gal friend and then I SLAPPED MY FACE. Stop looking and start thinking!

'Outram Park.'

Oh shucks! Whatever.

I went near to the blind lady and asked, 'Are you alighting at Outram Park?'

Tick tick tick tick tick tick! She didn't respond. She didn't hear me. I swung my hands out and slapped her face, 'OI! ARE YOU ALIGHTING AT OUTRAM PARK!?' and then amazingly she could see once again! She stood up and beat me with her walking stick.

'OI WHAT OI! NO NAME AH!?' she shouted. And she pushed me to the floor! And beat me again.

I looked at her back furiously! 'Oh yeah! Take me on!' I got up immediately like a ferocious beast. I pulled her hair and swung her to the pole.


She fall to the floor but she managed to grab my leg. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I crawled to her and sat on top of her.

I tied her hair around the pole and , I SLAPPED HER FACE, RIGHT AND LEFT AND RIGHT AND LEFT AGAIN!

'Merci...' she pleaded.

I smiled gleefully.


I said to the blind lady, 'I am going to help you.' But still she didn't hear me. And then abruptly, she got up from her seat and realised that the train had stopped moving indicating to her that it was already at Outram Park.

She's now walking to the wrong door - the one that is closed. Oh man... I held her by her arm and walked briskly. Walk faster lady! The door is almost closing!

Oh what the...TAKE THAT! And then I kicked her out of the train!

I'm done with you!

And the door closed.

Hmm...That was yet another of my wishing thinking...

I held her arm and slowly ushered her out of the train and then the door closed. I left her there, all by herself and she looked confused...

Was it really bad for me to just leave her there? But I did helped her and I was rushing to Bugis. =( I felt so guilty.

But anyway, I had done a good deed!

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