
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The Cranky Old Lady


I was listening to Avril Lavigne's songs, looking at the moving vehicles, and then glanced at the passengers sitting in front. I smiled. I shut my eyes and relaxed my mind. It was still another 15 minutes ride to my institute.


A few minutes had passed and suddenly I heard noises; a lady's voice, shouting. It could even penetrate through the loud music that I was listening to. I opened my eyes and saw an old lady sat next to me.


I paused the music that I was listening to and listened to what she was saying. Yeah I know, I'm such a busybody. Apparently, she was talking to herself.


I dare not look at her. In fact, I was petrified. She started slapping her thighs and talking in hokkien or probably scolding in hokkien. I was uncertain.


The next thing I knew was she pointed her finger right to my face. What the hell was she doing, I thought. Should I get up from my seat and moved to the ones in front or should I just stay put since it was only four more stops away from school?


I looked away from her and shut my eyes again but then there was an unbearable smell; garbage chute kinda smell.


The hideous smell was overpowering my senses especially my sense of smell. I was obviously choking. I was trying not to breath too hard. I scanned her thoroughly from head to toe without her noticing. 

Her shirt was tattered and torn as though she had never change her clothes before. Her skin was covered with red spots.

And then I realized where the smell was coming from. It could be her hair; it look so frizzy and dirty. I guessed she must have not washed her hair for months. Or probably the smell was coming from her mouth.

Each time she opened her mouth and talk, the smell grew stronger. At that point of time, I felt like puking and wished that I could cover my nose with my hands but I do not wish to let that old lady think that she was smelly.

It was rude so I just endured with the smell for another 5 minutes but I could stand no longer; I felt like puking instantly. I pretended to be yawning so that I could cover my mouth but the fact was I wanted so badly to not breathe in that horrendous smell.

But thank god, I was spared from that agony. That old lady really frightened me.

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