
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Eric's Birthday Celebration On The 16th May

I came late as I knocked off late from work. But I managed to get Eric a Swensen cookies and cream ice cream cake.

It was a pity that Aileen can't stay a while longer to saviour the cake I bought.

Daphe, Ben, Jocelyn, Irene, Stanley, Aloysius, Sophia, Joanne and I continued the celebration singing out hearts out.

After the celebration, Irene, Joanne, Eric and I went to 2A.M Dessert Bar.

Joanne ordered Earl Grey Tea while Irene, Eric and I drank wine. We ordered the most expensive wine.

The boss from 2A.M dessert bar surprised us with a mini birthday cake.

And Eric did something wacky. LOL. Joanne lend him her red hair extension.

Happy Birthday Eric!