
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Enjoying The Exclusive Treatments from Dhonveli Spa

Massage therapy is recognized as one of the oldest methods of healing, with references in medical texts nearly 4,000 years old. In fact, Hippocrates, known as the "father of medicine," referenced massage when he wrote, in the 4th century B.C.: "The physician must be acquainted with many things, and assuredly with rubbing."

I definitely enjoyed myself thoroughly at Dhonveli Spa.

Physical and Mental Benefits

  • relaxes the whole body
  • loosens tight muscles
  • relieves tired and aching muscles
  • increases flexibility and range of motion
  • diminishes chronic pain
  • calms the nervous system
  • lowers blood pressure
  • lowers heart rate
  • enhances skin tone
  • assists in recovery from injuries and illness
  • strengthens the immune system
  • reduces tension headaches
  • reduces mental stress
  • improves concentration
  • promotes restful sleep
  • aids in mental relaxation

I was served hot tea before having my massage and body scrub.

The ingredients for my body scrubbing are:

Pomegranate, brown sugar, peppermint, rosemary, orange and champagne.

Just like the skin cells on your face, the cells on your body regularly shed to reveal new, healthier skin underneath. That turnover process slows as we get older; to give it a nudge, reach for a body scrub.

At Dhonveli Spa, the therapist will scrub your skin with a mix of Pomegranate, brown sugar, peppermint, rosemary, orange and champagne.

A scrub works in a few ways: As you massage it over your body, the exfoliating granules help to slough off dead skin, and the rubbing action itself boosts circulation and helps drain your lymph nodes, by increasing blood flow to the skin’s surface. 

A few minutes later, I tried the Chocolate Champagne Mask.

Ingredients used are cocoa powder, champagne and oxygen mask powder.

The Chocolate Champagne Mask contains anti-oxidant which is good for your body!

Antioxidants offer a number of health benefits, and they have been touted as a possible preventative of diseases, ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's. Research suggests that antioxidants can indeed be effective in preventing a number of age-related diseases.

As you age, your body tissues suffer from oxidative stress due to the process of oxidation. Oxidation occurs when molecules within your body lose electrons to electrically-charged molecules of oxygen in your blood stream. These electrically charged oxygen molecules are called "free radicals," and they have the potential to cause damage to cellular DNA. Over time, the damage can become irreversible and lead to disease.
Oxidation is a natural process that happens to everyone. Because it's natural, a diet rich in antioxdants is necessary to keep the levels of free radicals in your body low and maintain good health. The more free radicals build up in your body, the more oxidative stress you'll suffer.

Antioxidants benefit your health by cleaning free radicals out of your bloodstream. They have a range of health benefits; some studies have shown that antioxdants reduce the signs of aging by minimizing wrinkles and preserving the texture of the skin. They can even protect your skin from sun damage, and reduce the incidence of sunburn.

My entire body was covered with Chocolate Champagne. It was really very cooling and I felt relax.

Each of the treatment costs $99 ringgit! Quite affordable for such treatment!

Do drop by Dhonveli Spa if you are in J.B. Call to book an appointment!

Address: 38A, Jalan Abiad, Taman Tebrau Jaya, 80400, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Tel Number: +60 10 760 1528

Beautician: Vic.