
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Intraceutical Facial

It's a Fine Line, distinguishing between a young and old person, but their skin says much more about their age. Diminishing the signs of aging has always been our ultimate goal, and the progressive route that skincare technology has taken is astonishing. We now face a new development, well not that new. With its advent in 2007, the intraceuticals oxygen facial is now a hot cake amongst our worshipped celebs, the rich housewives, euphemistically termed in Singapore as 'tai tais', and of course, You and I, or perhaps not.

Like any other facial treatment, this one uses a ga-zillion dollar machine that utilises hyberbaric oxygen to infuse antioxidants (Vitamins A, C and E), green tea extract, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid into our skin, leaving you with the eventuality of soft, smooth and radiant skin - close to that of your butt when you first emerged from your dearest Lady. In simple terms, it instantly rids wrinkles, age spots and even acne points as you sit back and enjoy the purest form of oxygen therapy.

Made famous by several stars - Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Miranda Kerr, Fergie, Orlando Bloom, Naomi Campbell, Rachel Zoe, Katherine Jenkins and many more!

The issue here really, is how badly we want that soft, silky, porcelain smooth and glowing skin that our idols possess. I ain't kidding here when I say that this facial can make a 50 year old look half her age. Madonna has this facial done EVERY time before an interview, appearance and of course, a concert. (That probably explains the $1 million dollars allegedly spent on maintaining herself physically, aside from $600/h yoga lessons and hand tissue fillers - understand why she wears gloves everytime she steps out now?)

Hence, as explained, this miracle facial comes at a hefty price of $240 - $280 per session - at least that's the case in Singapore. We have a spa at Grand Hyatt that does it, and a few others around the area too. Log in to to find out more about the treatment and products used to deliver god-like complexions.

Enjoy it in great health and beauty guys!