
Friday, August 28, 2009

Now One Is Not Enough

Youtube won't keep any of Ayumi Hamasaki's song on the site for too long so here are the many great songs from the new album, "Next Level".

Now I also feel like buying Ayumi Hamasaki's new album.

But I always believed that if I buy any of her album, I will be cursed with bad luck. My friends know about it. My other half knows about it. Even my colleagues know about it.

So now I am contemplating.

The video below is track number 6; Rollin'. I freaking love the beat.

And then there's Green.

If you all can't understand Japanese, learn the language else get a translator. All her songs have meanings.

I will just translate the first few lines of Green's lyrics.

The brilliant trees standing in the cool air, Are losing the colors as if hiding themselves
Just like me who is afraid of the warmth, Keeping myself away from anything leading to hope

The smiling face of that person, Looks dazzling and so tender
Im afraid I might show my weakness, And start crying ...

I noticed this love, The moment my fingertip touched his and my feelings were about to flow out

I wonder why its difficult for us to walk as we wish .

And one of Ayumi Hamasaki's powerful ballads.

And of course there's many more songs on her new album worth listening.