
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Somethhing Different

Previously, I only prefer reading magazines like OK! (Celebrity life and style) and 8 days instead of those Teens/ Teenage and FHM magazines.

But now, I think FHM, Teens and Teenage magazines aren't that bad at all.

2 days ago, my bunkmate brought in FHM magazine. So I decided to take a peek. There I saw one of previous blog idol/ Singtel Moblog runner-up Janice Yeo.

She was in the top 100. I was rather shocked that elated to know that she was in there; the top 100. And there were a few others whom I know listed in the top 100 too.

Have they gone desperate to show their bodies?

One of them, who was listed in the top 100 in FHM magazine, once told me, "I would not want to expose my body to anyone else except for my boyfriend. Not even in bras or bikinis."

Months later, there she was in FHM.

Now she replied me with, "It's really great being able to show the world my beautiful body. It feels really good."

What a vast different in answers.

You may have noticed that many young women wear less, and more sexually provocative, clothing in public than they did a generation, or even 10 years, ago.

Afterward, I read up Teens and Teenage, which somehow makes me laugh. The stories they wrote somehow relate to me when I was younger. The love stories, the trouble teens get into these days really amuse me.

Nowadays, teens are more open-minded compared to those a few years back. Sex in the open; stairways, carparks, garden, is nothing to them.

And being caught is a thrill to them.

On a higher note, I had forgotten to log off from my MSN account before proceeding to camp for my guard-duty, thus leading to many, many people messaging me the whole day.

Hey, you there? Why are you so arrogant? I've been messaging you numerous times but you still did not reply to me..."

I apologize to those who messaged me on MSN. I was at camp doing guard-duty.

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