
Friday, November 5, 2004

Before Effect of the NS Medical Checkup

I was afraid. Then I was petrified. *Singing Anastacia's song.* Yuck. What kind of a lyric is that? It does not make any sense at all to me. To Anastacia's fans; nothing against her, it's just her lyrics.

I would be wearing shorts instead of boxers. And inside my shorts, I will be wearing an underwear. Triple layers protection against hard-on! Haha. Hard-on from the cold room temperature.

I'm not comfortable with my own body - neither fit nor muscular. I'm neither fat nor skinny. Just average. Sob. But drastic improvement I'd made for the past 1 1/2 months.

From a 70 kg to now, a 61 kg. I will be taking my height and weight against during the checkup. So that will be the time when I will really know my weight and whether I am underweight, overweight or moderate.

I cannot believe that time actually flew by so fast that it's already the day of my medical check-up. I just want to get this done and over with so that I won't live in fear anymore.

Breathe Isaac, Breathe.

Since yesterday, I couldn't sleep well. I was pondering of what will happen to me when I am in the room doing my medical checkup. My greatest fear is the needle sinking into my skin and drawing blood out from my body.

I believe it will be a gruesome sight because I have a phobia for blood! How am I going to surivve the ordeal. How! How!

I can't be afraid. I can't show to the other guys in the room that I am actually frightened of a needle. It would be embarassed.

Help me anyone?

Evil Twin: *Slapped me* Shut up! Stop whining. It will be fine...

Me: Easy for you to say that, you moron!

Passer-by: *Looked at me* Are you scolding me? Are you actually scolding me moron?!

Me: No! I was scolding someone else. I was scolding my Evil Twin.

Passer-by: You must be crazy...

And to make things even worst, I was told that if I made any slight movements during the sticking-the-needle-into-my-skin process, the needle might break!

Now I am more afraid than ever. *Faint*

Signing Off

Shah Rizal Isaac

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