
Monday, April 23, 2012

Men's Fashion Week Day 4 - Royal Pirates

Royal Pirates is a Korean-American rock band currently living in Southern California. The band was formerly known as Fading From Dawn with the members: Moonchul, Sooyoon, and Richard. Richard, Moonchul's brother, the bassist in the band, died in 2008 in a car accident. 

Moonchul and Sooyoon couldn't be Fading From Dawn without Richard and decided to change their name to Royal Pirates. They are full Koreans who have been living in Southern California for more than 10 years and they both speak fluent Korean and English. 

With their talent and originality, Royal Pirates gained fame on Youtube, by uploading covers such as the remake of "Circus" by Britney Spears who reached 180,000 views in just two weeks. Their original songs and remade versions of some K-pop songs gave Royal Pirates' channel more than 179,000 channel views and more than 13,500 subscribers.