
Sunday, April 16, 2006

An Interview With Yann

An aspiring playwright & actor, Yann has always wanted to act since the tender age of 10. Stirred by this passion, he has performed in his former school plays, as part of both the English and Malay LDDS groups.

Given any opportunity, he would like to further improve his new-found interest in playwriting. He sees theatre as a platform to express his feelings and is determined to pursue his dream with much enthusiasm and fervour. Recently he performed in The Necessary Stage's M1 Theatre Connect Secrets In My Room; which was his first ever ticketed public performance, and was a participant in TheatreWork's Singapore Young Dramatist Award 2004.

If you like what he writes in this interview, visit his blog @

The moment I saw him online on MSN, i clicked on his name and started to interview him.

Hi Yann! This is an interview. How long have you been blogging and what actually spurs you to blog?

Yann: 3 years i think....influenced by . By the way, what is spur? It sounds like sperm.

You know this is an interview and it will be posted on my entry. So whatever you say will be typed in the entry.

Yann: Oh my god! (censored a few words)

What makes you different from the other writers?

Yann: I have a brain of my own. (Laughs hysterically.) But to be honest, i love to add a certain twist to my entry blow it damn bloody big...dramatised everything lah. sometimes, i even add fictional characters or out of this world situation.

"Drama-mama what," he added.

Have you made great friends or enemies through blogging?

Yann: You're one of them. Enemies as in competition. i am, no doubt about it, loves challenges and very competitive. When i am competitive, i tend to be very either bitchy or horny.


Yann: Friends? Let me think (as if I got brain like that). Alot lah...but I dont like to kaypoh on other people's life. Why leh?

As an interviewer, I'm curious. Your life seems interesting.

Yann: You're not curious, you're bloody kaypoh.

What's your take on the Tammy NYP video?

Yann: Tammy NYP? Imitation of Paris Hilton. Trying to hard lah....another symptoms of Singaporean = cheap. Alot of my str8 friends got turn on by it. Do i need to be politically correct here? (begins to talk like Tony Blair) Last but not least, at the end of the day, I feel that media is the root of all evil and youngsters nowadays are daring enough to stand forth and be challenged.

Yann: Anymore questions? I have not taken my dinner yet!

How often do you update your blog?

Yann: When i dont get my period. Lovely right? When I got something to write the general elections lah, homosexual stuff, things that I find rather disturbing lah.

I heard that you're currently dating someone. Is that true?

Yann: NO. Single, available and desperate. I am young and still wanna slut around. (Laughs hysterically again) Kidding! I am single and not dating anyone at the moment.

Who are your competitors at this moment? Are they of any threat to you?

Yann: THREAT!!!? Please lah...kicak kobeng! Competitors? and

Are you a party animal?

Docha love thye way i danced yesterday with your *****? (Laughs uncontrollaby)

Describe your blog in less than 15 words.

Yann: In two words can?

Blogiliciously Phunkee!

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