
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Let's Chat Up With Guy Tang (Part 1)

There are two parters to Guy Tang's exclusive interview!

1) Do tell us what is/are your profession?

I am a hair stylist in Hollywood, CA 
I love making people feel beautiful and good about themselves by enhancing their beauty with their hair. 

2) Who or what inspired you to work in your field?

My clients inspire me , nothing is more rewarding than to see someone happy because their new look I give them will improve their confidence.

3) What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

I was born and raised in a smaller town in Oklahoma, so my greatest achievement is when I moved to Hollywood to pursue my dreams to do high fashion hair in the heart of the stars.

4) Who was your role model as a child and how did that help in being who you are today?

My biggest role model has to be myself because I survive some of my greatest battles living most of my life in Oklahoma, a place that is still plague with racism and homophobia. I had to to come into my own. 

5)  Are your parents supportive of what you are doing?

My parents love me and fully support my success, they love to see how successful I have been but I always want to grow more, I don't ever settle for less.

6) What are your guilty pleasures food wise?

I love candy and chocolate. I am obsessed with fried foods but I try to eat healthy.

7) What beauty tips do you swear by?

I must say I have been obsessed with my BB cream for my face.. it really evens out my skin tone.

8) How do you keep up with the latest style trends?

I create the latest trends for hair when I get bored , I love to see fashion evolve .

9) Tell us three things we don't know about you?

3 things you should know about me is I am extremely passionate, driven, and super sensitive.

10) What do you envision yourself doing when you turn 50?

I see myself as a brand in the beauty industry.


Guy Tang is a very sweet guy to have let me have this interview with him. But its not over yet.

Stay tune for part 2.