
Monday, August 18, 2008

An Answer For Classilicious

Given 2 scenarios below :

2 men A and B,

(1) A is taller than the lady, good looking, high flyer, jet setting around the world, busy work schedule, high income, professional and higher educational level than B, but can only give moderate attention to the lady.

(2) B is shorter than the lady, average looking, middle management, moderate income, but can give more attention to the lady than A

Which man would you go for A or B and why. Feel free to share your comments. Thanks.

And this is what I think I should reply.

I will definitely ask Classilicious to go with B. You must be with someone who will show you more concern. Imagine if he has to travel everywhere everyday and you will be left alone at home if ever you get attached to a high flyer, it will be equavilent to not having a boyfriend.

Yes, if you choose A, you need not need to worry about your daily expenses and you will be catapult to the tai-tai category but those tai tais, do their husband show alot of concern to them?

Yes, they lavish them with gifts and jewelries, but in the end how much do they love their wives?

High flyer meets alot of people and somewhat and somehow, he might find a better someone even when he's already attached to you.

But if you choose B, you will feel more secure and safe to be with because he can give you assurance. He can give you more attention.

From what I know, Classilicious is an elegant lady who can be quite a diva and that's a good thing. I believe she will make the right choice.