
Friday, February 26, 2016

Signs a GEMINI Likes YOU

Gemini is flirty with you. 

A Gemini is a fun loving person who loves to flirt. If you notice your Gemini in an extra flirty mode with you, they may have deeper affections for you than they reveal. Observe their interaction with you and compare it to how they interact with other girls. If Gemini is flirtier with you or seeks out your attention more, they like you.

Gemini may be possessive with you

A Gemini may have a hard time choosing or settling down however, once they find the one they likes, you may find yourself at the end of a possessive Gemini. A Gemini is usually very selective or choosy when choosing a mate, but once they fall in love, they will want to constantly do fun and exciting things with you.

They want to have intellectually stimulating conversations with you

The signs that are Gemini likes you tend to involve their creative and artistic side, the Gemini also prides themselves on their intelligence and is a passionate communicator.   A Gemini person is naturally attracted to someone whom they can have many long interesting conversations with.  They feel most comfortable when talking about the deeper things in life rather than making small talk. They enjoy it when you ask them more about their opinions and beliefs, but if you’re a little too aggressive in your questioning they might disappear back into his shell.  If the Gemini can’t stop talking when they’re around you then this is a good signal that you’ve got their interest, they’ll keep on coming with the questions and move from conversation about hobbies and interests to the meaning of life in the blink of an eye.

That Look

When Gemini looks deep into your eyes you can be certain that they’ve come to the conclusion that you’re the girl/guy for them. The intense gaze of the Gemini can make you feel an intense emotional connection with them, a connection that they also want and need.  They adore the feeling of having a deep emotional connection with someone that the care about, and once they care about you you’ll be able to see it easily. They give it away all the time in the way they look at you, often they’ll look deep into your eyes and you’ll be able to almost see the love in Gemini’s eyes.

Gemini varies his/her romantic overtures with you

A Gemini is easily bored which is why they like to spice things up on a regular basis. When Gemini takes you out, they may not do the same thing they did you last date. They won’t be afraid to try something new with you. Gemini may want to offer you something different. Variety makes things fun for a Gemini and if they like you, they’ll want to share these things with you.

Gemini says he/she loves you

If a Gemini loves you and they actually says the words, it’s probably true. Unless Gemini blurts it out in the heat of passion, then you can bank on their words when they tell you so in a private and intimate moment. This pretty much holds true to all of the zodiac signs, unless of course he’s a consummate liar.

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