
Monday, September 21, 2015


Two personalities or sometimes more are a given with Gemini. You may not see all sides of a Twin, even if you’re married to one, unless you see him or her in all possible arenas. For example, your Twin may be a real soft touch at home but a despot at work. Two jobs or major interests are common such as an advanced degree in some scientific discipline and then a consuming hobby on the side such as amateur radio.  

Occasionally their personalities are so diverse that they embrace two diametrically opposed moral standards and truly believe in both, making them prime material as politicians.  Don't mistake this for the same behavior as Librans who try in their infinite fairness to see both sides of an issue.  The Twins can go beyond understanding to living and believing two mutually exclusive value sets.

Twins are very comfortable with the concept of two lives. This helps them avoid boredom and is also an escape mechanism if one of their lives becomes tedious or too demanding. Being a Mutable sign, change is not only accepted but embraced or in some cases sought. They don’t do this on purpose to annoy or deceive, it’s just how they are. 

To them this is normal and they may have a hard time understanding those who have a single personality and more concentrated interests.  They also tend to believe that when they leave one life for their backup plan, whatever the reason or length of time involved may be, that everything in life #1 grinds to a screeching halt and will be exactly the same when they return.  They are entirely oblivious to the fact that they might be missed or things might change while they're away.

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