
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Clozette Inter-Campus Pageant - NUS, SMU & NTU: Shoes Selection for NTU Girls

The other day, fabulous Fashion Designer Jen Su picked the shoes for the NTU girls! If I were to choose a favorite from NTU, then I will have to choose the girl who look like Felicia Chin.

Felicia Chin lookalike, if you are reading my blog, I wanna tell you that MY VOTE GOES TO YOU!

Product placement? Looks like a real ad?

While Hwee Ying was busy taking photos of the shoes, I was busy telling her to vote for the Felicia Chin lookalike girl, "You know why you should vote for this girl? Because she look like Felicia Chin! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME OR NOT!?!"

Hwee Ying, "Ya, ya, ya. I'm busy taking photos! Don't bug me!'

She didn't even bother looking at the girl.


Lola acting cute!

I continued talking to Hwee Ying but now feeling more frustrated, "YOU BETTER VOTE FOR HER HOR!"

Even with my angry expressions, she didn't bother to look at me.

So I decided to camwhore instead!