
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uncool Remarks

So one day, at that very particular time, the song which was playing at my outlet was abit of a trance and dance.

And there a group of Junior Colleges students commented, "Why must Ah beng listen to Trance and dance music?"

That was when I rolled my eyes.

What a remark!

I am not an Ah beng! Just because I dyed my hair silver and it so happened that the song played that time was trance does not make me an Ah beng.


This is my 5th irritating encounter I had with junior colleges students.

Let me get this clear, being a student of any junior colleges doesn't make you any smarter than us. And by giving such remarks, it only show your stupidity.

I remembered when I was 13, I was really dorky. I was seated in front of two junior colleges students and guess what they did to me?

Junior college student number 1, "Oh, he look so nerdy. Look at his hair. Gel until so thick and hard."

Number 2, "And he look so nerdy. Oh my god."